Thursday, December 30, 2004
satu hari yang bahagia
aaaahh....indah sungguh hari ini..tak dapat nak digambarkan dengan kate2.Semenjak dua menjak nih,saya sangat suke kerja saya.Walaupun tidak dapat dinafikan,memang penat bercakap tanpa henti dari 9 pagi sampai 6 ptg dan berdiri hampir sepanjang hari,tapi semuanye rase cam ok je dengan kehadiran 'orang-orang menarik' di Petrosains.Para volunteers 'giler' yang baik tingkah laku dan juga paras rupa.Hahaha..Visitors pun.Baru sedar,best juga sebenarnye keja bercakap nih.Takdela teruk sgt.Walaupun memang lah ade orang2 yang kurang menyenangkan,demanding,perasan bagus dan terer tapi biasela tu.Esok kerja.Yey! Tak pernah rase suke camnih biler nak keja esoknye.Haha..Memang giler..Satu lagi hari di Petrosains sebelum cuti New Year.Wuhoo!!..
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
I was supposed to work today.But K.Sya called me when I was already on my way to KLCC, in my fave jeans and fave pair of Kustom thongs.
I was just a stand-by today to replace any volunteers who called in sick at the very last minute.Since I had to open my RHB account at KLCC, K.Sha told me to ganti someone yg absent alang2 I
was already in KLCC.After I finished the bank account thingy,went straight to Petrosains to see K.Sha.Pity her.Terkejut seeing me in my jeans and selipar.Coz,volunteer cannot wear jeans and must wear covered shoes.She was about to offer me her shoes but then camne nak buat ngan my jeans kan?Takkan la nak swap seluar ngan org lain.Lagipun,sapela plak yg rajin bawak extra seluar gi keje..
So,tak jadila nak kerja today.Had lunch with Anina and Farah at BSN pastuh bummered around before I headed back home.
Thursday, December 16, 2004
energy received = energy returned
This is among the first concepts tht I used to explain to the visitors during my first day as a Petrosains Volunteer.It has been 4 days (minus the training)and I am glad that I am actually enjoying myself very very much.
I work almost everyday from 9 to 6.I have never visited Petrosains before in my life. Being a science centre,there is a lot of science going on in it.In a fun and interesting way. My favourite moment is when I have to do mini science shows and all the visitors esp kids will come to gather around me, with an enthusiastic look on their faces.Today I did the resonance show.You know, when you filled up a few glasses with water,rubbed around the rim and diferent sounds were produced.I also learned a few rope tricks to entertain them.Responses like,"Eh,kak apsal ade bunyi?","Kak,kak,buat la lagi..","Penat saye gosok kak,takde pun bunyi?","Fuiyoo..Ade bunyi s****" and loads more made me feel like I was entertaining my little cousins during raye.Riuh sekampung..
And right now I am feeling really really exhausted mentally and physically but happy and satisfied.
Sunday, December 12, 2004
hari ni lagi
pernah tak rase menyesal yg teramat sgt like you wish you could take back everything that u said or did? Or u wish you could have made a wiser, better decision?
I think I have made a major mistake.
And I feel utterly stupid right now. And so miserable.
One of the many regrets that I have in my life that I wish I could turn back time and say and do all the right things.
Apsal la takleh nak fikir betul2 dulu?..
yesterday I was nervous and excited at the same time
the day before yesterday I was anxious, a lil bit nervous but happy at the end of the day
today I am really really really disappointed....
But despite being miserable today, I think it is not too late to offer my hearty congratulations to the newly weds, Aishah and Farid. May you two be blessed and live happily ever after.
I am terribly sorry as I could not make it yesterday.Have to work maa.Aaargh..Tensi2..Apepun, adela sgt ralat coz I was not there to view the whole spectacular and meaningful event.Esp the makeup part.Miahaha..
Thursday, November 25, 2004
Malaysia oh tanahairku...
I am in the harmonious and blessed Malaysia and my super-slow,with problems here,there and everywhere internet connection at home has made me go to this pretty dodgy Cyber Cafe just so I could check my emails and update this blog.
The obvious things that I noticed when I returned home:
WalimatulUrus di sana sini(I am excited as some of close my friends are getting married.Notice the highlighted excited), Open house di sana sini (yep,raye mmg sebulan!) and the siginificant change of weather (I was down with fever and a nasty sorethroat but I am recovering now)
A Reminder to myself:
- Reply Luqzan
- Reply Salwa
- Find Bahiah's contact no
- and of course call Huda
- and owh,call Nan juge..
Give me a call kalau nak hang out kayh..
Have a good holiday everyone!
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
raye ke exam?
Raye tetap raye walaupun exam.Sibuk camne sekalipun,beraye adelah satu kemestian.
Camner raye semua org? Ok?
My first hari raye here in Brisbane, was not that bad.
It was, initially but after a while everything turned out to be ok.
Sure it cannot be compared to Sembahyang Hari Raye at the cosy surau Bolton (we prayed under the very HOT sun here), sessi bermaafan di pagi raya(ok la here,since I have to applogize to a lot of ppl. I know I did make mistakes in the past and offended a lot of ppl; intentionally or unintentionally..Kire2,hrmm..byk la juge..0-0 ye!), juadah raye (very-the-uncomparable wif Mesia. Dpt la jugak merase mkn ketupat,rendang,nasi himpit,kuah kacang,sate dll..Isyh..Quite a lot actually.Now,be grateful Najwa.Ade org yg tak dpt mkn langsung tau), baju raye? (no comment,since I did not have any for the past 3 years), saling bertandang (raye kat sini 1 syawal je due to exams and stuf,kat Mesia raye sebulan,cube kire kalau satu hari dapat visit 5-6 rumah.Sebulan dah berape? Banyak tuh.Fat factor!!), duit raye (My philosophy: There is no age limit in getting duit raye.Haha..I still get duit raye from my close aunts and uncles.Yey!) main bunga api (we did it here@ Carmody tp mane leh compare kan.I remember I nearly burnt my baju raye with the bunga api yg boleh tukar2 kaler tuh when I was in standard 2. And not forgetting the moment where me and my 'mad' cousins used to torture the semut api by pointing our bunga api towards the semut2 yg tgh beratur merayap kat tanah..Pity them.Jahat giler..)
The Hari Raye itself mmg dah best pun.
Tak kesah la raye kat mane pun kan..
S.E.L.A.M.A.T H.A.R.I RA.Y.A!!
Maaf zahir batin..
Thursday, November 11, 2004
an attempt to study,gays vs. straights and My Boo
I am at Fryer Library trying VERY hard to type this while overlooking the view of some UQ buildings.From where I am at,I can see the top of some of the buildings,a carpark,green trees,housing areas,more trees and the great blue sky..
Finally,'The Playing It Straight' ended.Not really a big fan of this reality show but the task of distinguishing the gay guys from the straights and as u can guess,eliminate the gay ones seemed quite interesting to me.I always got it wrong.I was confident that some of the guys eliminated were gay but it turned out that they were not! Uhuh..Aku tertipu! They looked so convincing to be gay.Good looks+fancy clothes+shoes+the hair+nice bods and some other qualities that led me to think that they were not straight.Serious! Pity the girl who had to choose.Looks can be deceiving.Guys now are more aware of how presentable they look.They are starting to pay more attention to fashion rules and getting more involved in shopping(trust me on this,they do) which is a good thing.Grooming pun sometimes kalah perempuan.Haha..
Brain capacity is overloaded with soo much facts and educational info ( if!) that there is no more room left for me to utilize my creativity in order to get this little blog updated.
Btw,idea ku sudah tiada..
Been listening to this song lately.I like!!! Anything from Alicia or Usher never fail to satisfy me.
Dedicated to all of my friends and their boos..
Monday, November 08, 2004
Things that I will miss when I move out from Campus Lodge:
- Having my OWN room!
- Turned on the radio until I fell asleep…
- Leaving some of my stuffs scattered all over the room.Haha..I cannot help from having a messy room sometimes
- My WARDROBE. I could not fit all my clothes in my current wardrobe. Having to share a wardrobe next year, makes me think that maybe I should have an extra clothing compartment in the living room? Boleh tak? (A special message to Mas, Rab & Faz) Heh..
- My wall of fame
- Mane nak letak semua bag2 ku??
- The 7 mins-walk distance to class
- Prayer/lunch breaks at HOME
- Bangun 15 mins before class. Muahaha!
- Unit Inspection
- The hard-to-please Campus Lodge manager, George
- Network full of free movies and MP3s..Isk..Isk..
- When the fire brigade came every time there was a fire alarm
- Burnt kitchen??..Heh.. Eventhough it was not mine
- The loud booming music from bunkers at the nearby colleges
- The very comfy single bed
Sunday, November 07, 2004
I have got absolutely no idea and motivation and inspiration to update this blog.
Sajak ye?(Hahaha..You're funny) --> bace ikut tone Yahoo Messenger...
Will be having one last presentation tomorrow.Gonna need all the luck in the world as our model was not as expected.
Seriously not inspired to write.Even the crappy stuf..
Later ye..
And oh,GOOD LUCK to those who are sitting for their first paper tomorrow(esp the 8am session)..
Sunday, October 24, 2004
closing time...
after 1 LONG challenging year of ups and downs,I had fun working with my team.Sure,there were times when I was upset and ended up blaming some of them..Not forgetting the countless miscommunication,sleepless nites,stiff neck,eye bags,strained backs,disputes,nite meetings and so on..After 2 sems working with them,dah terbaik laa plak..One of the best teams tht I hv ever had..
DEREK: The charismatic project manager..Apart frm his ability to program,byk lagi skill2 lain yg die ade.Initially,aku cam terintimidated sket ngan die tp mmg bagus ah die nih..Kelakar jugak..
ALEX: The funny guy,sweet and sgt HELPFUL.Still remember when I accidentally deleted my 60 pgs of user manual,sanggup die dtg temankan aku di lab,download software to retrieve the file and console + pujuk aku supaya lepak coz I was on the brink of tears dah and gelabah semacam sbb i got no back-up wht so ever at tht time..Eventhough he had his own assignment yg nak hantar tht day..sweet tak?? = )
AL: Quiet tp productive..Walaupun pd awalnye agak malas..Heh..Hebat die coding..He has his own business, Internet Cafe kat Hawken Drive..Selalu tak dtg meeting sbb busy sgt dia nih ngan biznez die..Heh..Janji wat keje kan Al..
MIKE: Postgrad student.Betullah org cakap,org tua lg byk mkn garam..We got lotsa help frm him during the early stages..Walaupun die slalu la lmbt gak for meetings,tp di compensate kan ngan kerja2 yg quite on time.Good on u!
VANDANA:The unofficial walking proof-reader.Tp sometimes sbb byk sgt,she would pass some to me.My partner in presentation.Secretary for our team..
Below are the pics of the whole team..Taken rite after our last presentation..Alex laa yg beriye2 nak amik gamba group..Buat kenangan ye? How sweet...Heh..
Saturday, October 23, 2004
Should I trust my instincts or evaluate my options rationally?
Should I be flattered or doubtful?
Should I be exceptionally friendly or more reserved?
Should I conform to the authority or live by my own rules?
Should I feel insecure or just grateful?
Should I be picky or just accept things the way they are?
Should I be frank or say things that other people wanna hear?
Should I stay calm or start panicking?
Should I like you or hate you?
Should I keep quiet or start talking?
Should I wait or start looking?
Should I help or mind my own business?
Should I care or pretend that everything is fine?
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Rain,rain, don't go away...
Finally there's sunshine after the heavy rain (it has been raining for the past 2 days)..The air just smells good.But I like it better when it rains eventhough it's dark and gloomy..Maybe because rain to me indicates blessings(so,the heavier the better), or maybe because I can always find an excuse to stay a lil bit longer in bed (under the cosy comforter,sipping coffee while reading a Sidney Sheldon's),or maybe the freshness of the air right after the rain stops(it just smells sooo good).And the weather is just great.Not too hot and not too cold.A bit windy.But just nice.Except the muddy Great court.What a good start of Ramadhan.I am cooking everyday and ENJOYING it (not sure how long this will last though).Most of my BIG assignments have already passed.I am just left with Modelling(I am sure I will suffer for this.But it will happen later) and a presentation.So, for now,everything looks good.I am just hoping and praying it will remain this way for quite a while.May I have a meaningful and blissful Ramadhan..Semoga saya menambah amalan dan jauhkan dr perkara2 mungkar nih..Heh..
P/S: Picture of our juadah on the 2nd day of fasting with Huda,Bahiah and Kimah..
Sunday, October 17, 2004
I had the shock of my life when I got back the marks for my 2nd assignment.Yey!!Alhamdulillah.It was FAAAAR beyond my expectation.So,last Friday,I went to see Lazaros Kartanis, my Modelling & Visualisation lecturer to pick up my paper.
Me: Thanks for fairly marking my paper.
Lazaros: No..No..Thank you for writing such an excellent paper.I can see that you've done a thorough research paper.It was a pleasure reading your work.
Me:(Senyum tahap tak ingat dunia..)
20 mins after that..I was waiting for Stefan outside Lazaros' office.He was asking Sean several questions about how to scale the building.Suddenly,Lazaros came out from his office heading towards the elevator.
Lazaros:You're still here? (Then he saw that I was reading something)
Ooo..Admiring your own work eih?..
Me:NO!! I was reading through my assignment that I have to submit today.
Lazaros: Ooo really?..Hahaha..Naah..You know, it's actually OKAY to admire your own work..
Me:No..No..I am not reading my essay.Seriously.
(Aku betul2 serius nih..I am actually reading my business essay)
Lazaros:Hahaha..Yeah rite.(Continue laughing..*Bertambah segaknye die bila gelak*)
Anyways,do you mind if I show your essay to the other students as an example?
Me:Yep.Sure thing..I don't mind at all..
Lazaros:Good then.Well.I've got to go for lunch..In the meantine,you can continue admiring your work.Hahahaha..
So Lazaros,thanks heaps!! You are now my fave lecturer..
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
While typing like a mad woman on the keyboard of my old and worn out PC, without even giving the slightest hint, my PC shut down secara tetibe.Aaarghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Saya tak sempat nak press button save pun.Terkedu nye laa..Luckily, the things that I did not have the chance to save,was not a lot..Otherwise, I'll be damned.It turned out that the main switch yg wat hal.Manja tol lah..Nak merajuk konon..Chett!! So, now I am living the life of a caveman..No TV, no PC, no Radio, no music, no entertainment, not even my dearest Mr.fridge (there goes my Bulla, dahla baru beli semalam)..Not sure whether I can get George, the repairman to come and fix the circuit in our house asap. Dia nih asyik bz jek.Save my Bulla please!!!
hikayat kura-kura & arnab
Tahap kerja saya adela sangat slow mengalahkan kura-kura yg lumba lari dengan si arnab. But in the end, si kura-kura berjaya mengalahkan si arnab yang bongkak itu disebabkan kebijaksanaanya dan yang paling penting kesabarannya yg tinggi walaupun dihina dengan amat hebat sekali oleh si arnab.
Maksudnya disini, saya haruslah bersabar macam si kura-kura tu dan meggunakan kebijaksanaan anugerah Tuhan demi menghabiskan segala assignments saya minggu ni. One essay for Minds & Machines due Wednesday, a final demo for my IT team project on Thursday and a 2500 words essay due Friday. Having 3 major things that are due on 3 consecutive days are great.Really.*choke*
Based on the story, siapa agaknye si arnab tu ya? Boleh jadi para teammates dan groupmates saya yg kadangkala begitu intolerable fe’el2 mereka. Nak habiskan project tapi cara2 kerja untuk sampai finishing line tidaklah 100% dan kadangkala diselitkan dengan perbuatan mengelat dari segi mutu kerja mahupun tenaga.
Tapi yg paling penting, akhirnya si kura-kura tuh berjaya jugak kan? Jadi, saya mungkin harus menggunakan strategi seperti kura-kura itu: Kayuh pelan2, lama-lama sampai (I think I should have a reference for this quote).
Go Najwa!
Saturday, October 09, 2004
you got served
I went with huda to watch You Got Served yesterday.The movie was not that good.It was pretty bad.The acting was awful and stiff.It has zero plots.The dialogue was, O.M.G, much worse. It was sooo stilted. And oh, I forgot to mention the special appearance of Lil Kim made it all much sloppier..
However, it was VERY entertaining (at least to me). The great combination of the awesome hip-hop dancing and the enjoyable series of dance battles so long as you like this sort of thing.
Plus, there was Wade Robson, the talented choreographer/dancer. He was the man behind all the groovy dance moves for Usher, Britney, and Nsync. Too bad he didn’t do any dancing in the movie. Just another special appearance. Well, watching the hip hop dancers with their nice bods showing off their skills definitely made my Friday nite. In the end, all the bad acting and stuffs were compensated with the cool dance moves.

Thursday, October 07, 2004
Saye tau ape yg saye tak tau tapi tak pasti nak tanye camne,
Saye tau ape yg saye nak walaupun saye tau kadang2 tak munasabah,
Ade mase pulak saye tak tau ape yg saye nak walaupun jawapan die dah terang2 depan mate,
Boleh tak saye nak bende yg saye tau macam tak brape munasabah tu,
Pada mase yg sama benda yg munasabah saye boleh dapat saye taknak la pulak....
Hmmm..camne eh?
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
the importance of serenity
When I am working in the lab, with my head soo full of thoughts and confusions, plus the difficulty to construct sentences in complete academic English and at the same time trying to find the perfect journal article to perfect my argument, the last thing that I need is people coming into the lab, conversing and laughing soo loud that I couldn't shut their voices off even after i turned up the volume of my MP3 player to the max.Please la,have respect towards other people who are working kayh..Don't they realize that other ppl are actually struggling to concentrate on their work?And it was a hard thing to do if you people keep talking as if nobody else was there.
Friday, October 01, 2004
yesterday was hectic.and hot.took pictures of a really complicated building.under the sun.before that,supposed to hv a meeting at 10 am.and wht time did my darling team mates turn up? 40 mins after was such a 'joyous' occassion.waiting for nothing.wasted my bloody time.when they came,in my head, i could see myself strangling them.but to avoid any complication,i forgave them for being late.takpe,lain kali buat lah lagi...fortunately,managed to get quite a number of things done.
well,i guess that's how i spent my spring break.economical (i managed to curb my spring shopping), educational (meeting,meeting and more meetings!), filling (eating like there's no tomorrow.overfed but happy :p) and relaxing (no further elaboration).
Thursday, September 30, 2004
Monday, September 27, 2004

Is it cos I m cool
Sunday, September 26, 2004
yey! CUTI!!! Saye rase saye adela manusia yg paling gembira sekarang nih sebab mid-sem break dah mula..Tadi ade presentation utk Projek IT.Saye & Vandana kene present.Memula, cam gabra jugak sbb ni aderla projek besar budak2 IT.Jadi,tak boleh screwed up walaupun satu perkataan.Alhamdulillah..Hasil saye berceloteh selame 5 minit nmpknye berhasil.Smooth.Sessi tuh pun cam best jek.Takdela org2 dengki yg nak tanye soalan2 susah yg sampai takleh nak jawap..Semua ahli2 kumpulan happy je.Alex congratulated me & vandana for doing such a gud job.Aaahh..worthwhile nyer... =)
Saturday 25th
Olehkerane Friday nite tak jadi keluar,so, saye pun keluar arini..Bangun awal,to embrace the start of spring break.Lepas buat ape yg saye selalu buat pagi2,pegi city around 1 o'clock.Sebab ade orang yg tgh lapar and nak makan sepuas hati, ended up makan kat satu kedai india nih.Saye baru tau tentang kewujudan kedai nih.Rupe-rupenye kedai tuh dah lame ade.Hello,Najwa..Where have you been? Punye laa ketinggalan.Boleh tahan gak laa food die.At least ade option lain dah kalau nak makan kat city.Lepas tuh,saye discover yg saye ade birthday mate kat bumi Brisbane nih!! Jauh tak? Hahahaha..Excited gak la sbb tak pernah jumpe org yg same birthday before nih.Tarikh yg dekat2 aderla.Kat skola dulu, Pekjah-28th May..Pastuh,kat sini,Luqzan-30th May.So,Happy Belated Birthday To You!! (Tulaa rahsia2,dah tak dpt birthday present =p)
Today,Sunday 26th
Beberape orang kawan saye bertolak ke Melbourne pagi nih utk MASCA games.Ade team soccer and basketball.Bestnye kalau saye dpt ikut sekali.Tapi sayangnye takde team netball.Naik bus dr Brisbane ke Melbourne aderla saaangat lame.Ape pun, gudlak korang!! Main betul2 tau, kalau menang laaagi best.
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
rock chic
I had a wonderful dream last nite.I usually forgot what I dreamt but this time, unintentionally,I still remembered what my dream was when I woke up this morning.I dreamt that I was playing the drums as an opening act for a HUGE concert.Couldn't remember whose concert I was playing for..Hopefully it was some great,famous rock band. I could still remember the feeling of being sooo overwhelmed by the massive audience while playing the drums like a pro.Miahahaha..(I know that I am not that good but kasi can maa,dlm mimpi..) Main cam terer je.Best gler!Gler best! And then,there were the other guys who played the guitars and stuf..Absolutely mind-blowing! And the crowd was cheering,calling out MY name!! Hohoho..Lawak2..Spotted in the crowd was someone that I knew who looked sooo stunned seeing me up on the stage. Hahaha..His expression was definitely priceless. Mimpi paling best abad ini. Damn! I should have done the stage dive ker crowd surf ker in my dream.Tak sempat.Sebab pastuh terjage...And until now, I can't stop smiling,thinking about my dream last nite.
Monday, September 20, 2004
Saturday, September 18, 2004
Had an early start today.Group meeting at 8 am.Discussion on presentation that's due next Friday.Vandana and I have to present.So,reminder to myself: PREPARE THE SLIDES!!We were discussing abt previous presentations tht we had when suddenly the topic of why women like diamonds came up.So,they argued that:
If i promote diamonds and get a guy to but it,then it's a real success as they will only buy diamond once in their life(that is when they propose to their girlfriends).
My point of view: Stingy??
Mike stereotyped that women value money significantly (in other words, women tend to find a super-rich boyfriends and husbands and marry them because of money)
My point of view: Not all women..But can't blame them though..
But Derek argued that yes, it's true that money is important but you can't base your relationship on money if you want a relationship that works.Quoted,"See, I am broke one but I do have a gf what?.."(in a very Sing-lish reply)
My point of view: Alalala..Isn't that sweet?
Alex pulak kate, women love to see men suffer for them contohnye when they buy a diamond ring for them..
My point of view: eyy...manede laaaa
I rephrased that by saying, "Nolaa,Alex..Not suffer.But sacrifices for your loved ones.."
Followed by my groupmates' cynical laughter
My point of view: tande2 tak percaye la tuh..
Mike still insisted on the relations between women and money..and followed by vague agreements by the others.
My point of view: Weyh,enough laa..Can we move on to the next topic plz?..
Was totally clueless when asked about what type of ring tht i prefer(gold/white gold/ruby/sapphire and their values on the market etc..)gheeez..they know this kinda stuf quite well.I went like,"I dont know anything abt diamonds"..and Alex went,"Ya laa..You don't have to worry abt a thing.Just wait for the guy to buy it for you.."
My point of view: Hahaha..yep,very true indeed..
Next, I was bombarded with more questions like, do you mind to support your husband financially after getting married, how much money I want to spend for my wedding banquet,money vs.the person in choosing spouse,how much money to spend on dowry,etc...yada..yada...yada..And being the only girl there during the meeting, I have to defend myself..
Conclusion: Pretty good outcome for an 8 o'clock meeting..
My point of view: Looking forward to the next session...And have to be prepared next time.Just in case if I am attacked again..
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Monday, September 13, 2004
Friday, September 10, 2004
no diggity
If you guys watch Ten's Neighbours and it's your fave show(hoho..), then this might excite you.Neighbour's Harold Bishop is rumoured to release a rap single with the title "I am Not a Popstar"! Can you believe it?..I can't even bear the thought of good ol' Harold dressing up as a rapper(owh..very bling-bling).And what's with the title? Lame giler!!!!


Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Sunday, September 05, 2004
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
It has been a while since I last updated this gradually-losing-appeal blog.Naah! Amik sumer nih..Bace la puas2..
Aussie international Nite
Aussie International Nite was great.The dance went smoothly apart from a few bumps here and there.We were rushing to get our make-up and hair done.Plus the sampin(ke samping?) songket that proved to be quite a challenge to wear.Luckily,we managed to get ready and get there before time.I was sooo seriously nervous! Well,initially I wasn't that nervous but knowingthat many of our friends came to support us,cam gelabah sket.Hahaha..Thanks to Fariq,Bijan,Remy,Amar,Haris & Nadia,Man & Manis,Tupac & Shikin,Firdaus,Helmi,Laura and many others who were there last nite.Korang best!!! Everyone looked sooo groovy in their baju kurung and baju melayu.Siap ade additional sound effect lagi tuh in the middle of our performance..(meriah sihh..berjaye diverge attention audience so they'd look at the ppl yg buat sound effect instead of the dancers) THANKS HEAPS! And of course to Ili,Bahiah and Denise, you guys were great!! Eventhough we didnt practise that much but you guys managed to pull it off very very well.Cayaalah.. :) Well..other things that happened last nite,stayed there!! Hahaha..All in all, I had a great time, surrounded by my beloved friends and of course, good food (sort of laa)..
Bruneian Nite
It was the nite right after Aussie Nite. Cam hesitate gak at first whether nak pegi or tak.I know i was busy but then pujukan member2 telah berjaye buat aku pegi jugak.The nite turned out alrite.Luuuurve the dances! Very the urban and R&B-ish.I knew a few of the dancers back then when we had to perform for Merdeka Nite.Suke hatiku melihat si penari laki2 wearing pink stuff and dance to the upbeat urban tune!!Lalala~ During one of the songs,Penantian(Beinda), I went like, 'Whoa!' watching the guys bergelekan..Wakakaka..Getting in touch with their feminine side? Haha..Maybe kot..Pink shirts, gelek, flexible movements: these explains everything..After the nite ended, we took pictures around uni..Cam2 posing..Will put up the pictures later kayh..
Last weekend
Had 1 assignment due on Monday. Rushing to get it done.Cam org gler sihh..Sleep-deprived,hunger,anger,frustration,emotionally-depressed..Me and Aishah were practically running frm my place to the lab.This is all becauseof a house.We had to model a house.Yep, it's interesting but then the amount of patience required was seriously very very high.On Sunday, the comp lab was full.Sbb the next day nak kene submit. Everyone was so tensed,and every 15 minutes cam tuh, I could hear people cursing and shouting at the computer screens. Bongek tol lah software die..Stupid TUCAN! Anways, relieved coz managed to get it done and submitted successfully. I missed the River Festival though.Sangat sedih.Dahla bleh dengar the fireworks frm my place.Lagilaa tension.Last2, tgk kat tv jek..This is all because of TUCAN.Despise TUCAN all the way!!
AF Final
Akhirnye aku berjaye tgk konsert final.Yey! As expected, Zahid rawks! (u guys must be practically sick to hear this name but who cares!) Hahaha.."Milikku" was so urban-ish..Suited him so damn well..Don't understand why Adam could get the 3rd place.Sumbang maa..And sgt boyband-wannabe..Ooopss lupe,his idol kan KRU :P Farah should sing a better song than Avril Lavigne's Skater Boi.But she managed to sing it ok.As usual, suare Bob mmg mantap aah..Consistent tahap cipan..Tapi sayang tak dpt place pun.Maybe coz he didn't have the perfect package.Susahnye,highly talented but sayang, he didn't make it tht nite.Currently,I am addicted to Zahid's Milikku.Pagi,petang,siang dan malam lagu tuh je aku dgr..
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
my current wishlist
- everything will go smoothly for Aussie International Nite
- learn to play the guitar and buy my own drumsticks
- have my own baju melayu
- watch The CAVALIERS perform
- complete my house for Modelling & Visualisation
- get used to Minds & Machines' abstract and intangible perspectives
- have Nandos
- ayah will be successful at his attempt to stop smoking
ah cunnya cinta ku berikan
ku cinta padamu
ohh setahun masihkah ada lagi
bila bila bila
ku korbankan segalanyauntuk mempertahankan...
kan,kan,kan dah ku katakan
Sunday, August 22, 2004
Thursday, August 19, 2004
the day before yesterday - Stayed up to try finish my project. Miscommunication problem.One of my team member hantar interface lambt.So, nak tak nak terpaksa laa stay up abeskan everything.Finally,dozed off at around 5 in the morning.Next morning.Woke up.Went to uni to finalize all the documents.Later in the evening,learnt that major changes have been made to all the previous interfaces.Aaarrgghh!! Bongek giler!! What a waste of time and energy.Penat je stay up sampai bengkak2 mate,alih-alih tukar yg baru pulak..Kenelaa start all over again..
yesterday - Finally completed the interface doc.Hopefully there'll be no more changes after this.Penat dah nih.Malam ader UMNO meeting.Discuss abt the coming Merdeka Celebration.
today - 8 o'clock prac session is a 'great' way to start your day.Started my assignment for Modelling. Have to build a model house.Interesting.Sangat.But then, got to master the software with all the functions.Berjaye buat sampai pintu rumah.Yey!Still have other walls, windows and stairs to be completed. Jumpe Aishah kat lab.She asked me to go to the Hoobastank concert with her.His bro cancelled last minute.Nak main bola.Cancel concert nak main bola?Hrmm..Menarik.I kinda like Hoobastank. Will give her a call later tonite.
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
thumbs up for a healthier lifestyle
I have made a vow that I want to experience the 'healthy feeling' in living my life. Therefore, I am taking the plunge to put myself through a one-week detox to try and get over the bad things I eat and drink. So,this week I will:
- stock up on more fruits and veges
- tone down my junks intake and loads of other crapz that I ate
- not consume any coffee throughout this week (this is going to be the hardest)
- drink a great deal of plain water
- stop binge-eating esp late at nite
- not miss any meal and have small frequent snacks (gotta keep the energy going)
Good luck NAJWA!
Monday, August 16, 2004
As you can guess just by looking at this entry's title, I am gonna babble on and on (bear with me..) about this guy who has just won the 2nd AF last Saturday.Hooray!!!
You deserved it.Although it's a bit late tp nak cakap jugak.I wish i was there so that I could watch the whole event.Aarggh!!Sure sumer org nak muntah bace entry nih..hahaha...skali-skala takpe...kan,kan,kan?..Believe me if could vote for Zahid frm Brisbane, i would AFUNDI him over and over again...Sounds pathetic? Haha..Lantakla...
Why do I like him soo very much?He can sing,he can play the guitar and he can RAP(Zahid pun suke Usher jugak..yey!!) Not to mention that he's soo damned cheeky and fun to watch(nice2..)He was like, the center of attention and stole the thunder frm Bob when he rap in Alhamdulillah eventhough that was Bob's performance.Heard that he performed really2 well when he sang BEP's Where's The Luv..Aarrghh..Lagilaa nak tgk..Waiting anxiously for someone with the cd..Memang Zahid adela sgt layak menang.He is definitely a true star performer!!
Thursday, August 12, 2004
chaotic Thursday
In IT lab.Supposed to complete my VR prac.But the software went a bit berserk so I couldnt get my triangle-cube done.My PC at home,berserk takkan kat Lab pun same gak??Boh-ring..How can I get started with my assignment ya?..It's just one of those days where everything went out of control and almost nothing went right for me.
Monday, August 09, 2004
stay away from me..shuh..shuh..
Have u guys ever met someone who's so insufferable that all you wanted to do is get away from him and prevent any circumstances that will make you two interact? Unfortunately,it happened to me this sem! This guy used to be my groupmate last year for one of my IT subjects.So,basically I know everything there is to know abt him before considering him to be by groupmate this sem(again!).
How do I describe him eih? I reckon he's a bit loud.If he sees me in the lecture hall,he'll go straight to sit next to me.Camnepun,die akan cube bersungguh2 spot aku.So,I'll either sit kat tmpt2 yg susah nak carik or sit in btw ppl so there'll be no empty seats next to me(Jahat sgt ke?Tak kan?).Setakat duduk tu takpe lagi,nih BISING pulak tu! Dah la tu woii..Tak faham ke tgh lecture,nak criter2,after class laa...And at that point of time, I could feel all eyes are on me and this tak-tau-malu guy.Nih baru kat dlm lecture hall, belum lagi mase practical, mase wat group project.God knows how I suffered throughout the semester last year.
Earlier this year, I didn't see him for the whole sem.Soo relieved!Thought this guy dah balik Hong Kong ke,tukar course ke ape ke..Turned out he was actually sick and now he's back to bug me! Aarrghh..!! Okla, I admit that sometimes I do feel guilty for loathing a person this much..Tapi tak pernah lagi marah or express my kebengangan directly depan die..Tak sampai hati laa..Tapi SANGAT tak suke die..Camne?
And this sem plak, he's trying VERY HARD to be in the same group as me! What's with this guy??? Stalker ke ape?Bersepah lagi Chinese dlm kelas tuh, gi la join diorang..Bukan laa kedekut ke,sombong ke tapi sbb dah pernah suffer 1 sem ngan mamat nih..Please laa...Leave me alone!
Sunday, August 08, 2004
Thursday, August 05, 2004
brain-freeze..brain-freeze..brain-freeze..And this is a good song...
She's got a smile that it seems to me
Reminds me of childhood memories
Where everything
Was as fresh as the bright blue sky
Now and then when I see her face
She takes me away to that special place
And if I stared too long I'd probably break down and cry
Sweet child o' mine
Sweet love of mine
She's got eyes of the bluest skies
As if they thought of rain I hate to look into those eyes
And see an ounce of pain
Her hair reminds me of a warm safe place
Where as a child I'd hide
And pray for the thunder
And the rain
To quietly pass me by
Sweet child o' mine Sweet love of mine
Where do we go
Where do we go now
Where do we go
Sweet child o' mine...
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
Saturday, July 31, 2004
The importance of staying focused during lecture
One major idiotic thing happened to me yesterday.I accidentally erased all text messages in my mobile phone..Aarrgghh..!!!!Happened during a lecture yesterday. It was seriously boring with the whole data management thing, so I took my mobile out and started to play with it..Alih2, pressed the wrong button and Poof!! There goes all my messages.Gone! Free2 je.Tuhla..Padan muka sendiri..Saper suruh buat keje lain masa lecture.Mase lecture dengar and belajar,bukannye main handphone.Ended up terdelete all the important messages which I treasured so very much.I wish there's a function in the mobile that can retrieve all my messages back.....
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Himpunan gambar-gambar
Baru letak gambar2 hari tuh punye Melbourne trip. Dengan gambar2 mase birthday and gambar2 lain..Browse through la ye.. ::Pix::
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Watched Pontianak Harum Sundal Malam last nite.A movie about supernatural power..Very spine-chilling and scary, I would say..One part that I will never forget was when the pontianak tu bertenggek kat palang rumah..., 2nd time pun same gak, when Datuk Marsani nak jumpe Maria, but it was actually the ghost who came to see him.. And pontianak tu bertengggek lagi sekali!!! I was like "Aaaarrgghh..!!", screaming on top of my lung. Terkejut seyy..And then, there were like,flashes of the pontianak images that will appear out of nowhere..Skali lagi, aku terkejut! I think my heart stopped beating for a few seconds..
Though it was not totally flawless but I reckon it was a good step forward for the Malaysian movie industry!

I know I've been neglecting my blog for quite some time.Sorry coz I just don't feel like writing.In addition to that, my plain boredom and unmotivated mind has lost its stimulation for a while.Now that I have quite recovered from lifelessness,I'll try to write some things that have been happening in my life during the past several days,when this blog has stopped its function in updating you people with my monotonous series of activities.
Since I got back from Melbourne for retail therapy, nothing interesting happened. A number of night-outs with my friends, movies, coffees, lunches and so on. Just plain,ordinary stuff any sane person would do.Speaking of movies, I've watched several new ones like The Whole 10 Yards, King Arthur plus some other old movies sush as From Hell, Dr.Strangelove (a really classic comedy,in which I didn't quite get the jokes), Bad Boys 1&2, Tomb Raider 2, Torque, Win a Date with Ted Hamilton,Legally Blonde 2,Bring It On, Love Actually, Bisikan Remaja(malu nak ngaku but I did watch this one and it was bloody dodgy!A person who watch this,is either plain bored or seriously damaged in the brain), Gila Bola, Buli(worth watching), Trauma, Paloh(very frustrating!), Laila Isabella, O.C series and many others. All these in less than a week,I guess it must be a seriously apathetic week for me.
While Huda,Baya and my housemate were gone, I was left alone feeling quite lost actually...So, I went to seek console from my loyal friends who were still in Brisbane. Many thanks to Nan who rented several dvds. Will watch the other 4 when I had the time coz ngantuk giler that nite..Thank u Nan!! And also to Sarah who accompanied me to watch those dvds together with Nan..And of course,to the others who have contributed their time towards saving me from being tortured by this boredom insanity.
I am so gonna change my blog layout. This one has just lost its appeal. Will try to find one which is more ingenious, charming and NOT brown. Probably something retro. Will get back to this later.
Saturday, July 10, 2004
I am lovin' it...
Sangat suke lagu ni!!
So she said what's the problem baby
What's the problem I don't know
Well maybe I'm in love (love)
Think about it every time
I think about it
Can't stop thinking 'bout it
How much longer will it take to cure this
Just to cure it cause I can't ignore it if it's love (love)
Makes me wanna turn around and face me but I don't know nothing 'bout love
Come on, come on
Turn a little faster
Come on, come on
The world will follow after
Come on, come on
Cause everybody's after love
So I said I'm a snowball running
Running down into the spring that's coming all this love
Melting under blue skies
Belting out sunlight
Shimmering love
Well baby I surrender
To the strawberry ice cream
Never ever end of all this love
Well I didn't mean to do it
But there's no escaping your love
These lines of lightning
Mean we're never alone,
Never alone, no, no
Come on, Come on
Move a little closer
Come on, Come on
I want to hear you whisper
Come on, Come on
Settle down inside my love
Come on, come on
Jump a little higher
Come on, come on
If you feel a little lighter
Come on, come on
We were once
Upon a time in love
We're accidentally in love
Accidentally in love
I'm In Love, I'm in Love,
I'm in Love, I'm in Love,
I'm in Love, I'm in Love,
Come on, come on
Spin a little tighter
Come on, come on
And the world's a little brighter
Come on, come on
Just get yourself inside her love ...I'm in love
winter break
Lamer giler tak blogging..TAKDE MOOD..Lagipun exam that day..After that,gie Melbourne plak..So,tak sempat..One week in Melbourne..
Main mission: SHOPPING! And my mission was successfully accomplished.Muahaha..Best giler! Banyak gak spend $$$ but happy..:)
And then jejalan kat St.Kilda, layan beach scenery..Mase jalan kat situh kan,trase cam kat O.C plak.. ~~ we come ~~
Hahaha..Sempat berangan..I think that was the only scenery place that I went to..Pastuh, took pictures here and there..The rest of the days were spent shopping and more shopping..Dasar shopaholic!
Tak terfikir nak watpe for the rest of my winter break..Cam nak gi Surfer's Paradise lagi,tapi kene ajak reramai,baru best..So, anyone yg interested,holler ya!!
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
SBP Orchestra Competition Results
Got this results from the alumni who went to watch this annual event that day (lupe tarikh) kat SDAR (tuan rumah).Saje nak announce to keep those yg terase ade kaitan updated.As usual, SSP among the top 3.Their field of expertise. Tapi STAR top 3 tuh yg tak tahan tuh...Whoa!!They did improve a lot from the last time that I saw them played.
Congratulations to STF band, eventhough dapat 6th place je and silver medal..Outdoor competition pun dah dekat..So, good luck jugak..I wish I could be there..Nways,all the best and SPIRIT, SOLID, SMART!
1) SEMSAH - strong
2) SSP - strong but no expression
3) STAR - some said, if we close our eyes, they sound like STF when we're with Sir.
4) SAS - ntah ape2. Distraction to watch 2 guys joget2 up there for nothing!
5) TKC - strong & confident though we heard clarinet & few others bunyi semacam
6) STF - dynamic but less expression then the day before
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Can people be emotionless?
The answer is YES! There are some people who seem outwardly calm or apathetic in situations where others will usually be emotionally charged. I came across this, I would like to call it a disease, which is called alexithymia. It is defined by psychologists as a symptom where people have severe difficulty in expressing their emotions and understanding emotions of others. People who suffer from alexithymia, rarely cry and often percieved by others as bland and cold. But what makes it more depressing is they are uncomfortable with their own feelings and unable to differentiate their own emotions. Meaning they can't understand the basic emotions that we normal people can feel like anger, sad or happy. Adding to the complication, they are at complete loss in understanding what others around them feel (pity them..)
So, if you are wondering why your friends are not as excited as you are when you told them stories that you thought exciting, it might be that your friends are suffering from this deadly disease or your stories are just plain drop-dead-boring....
Monday, June 14, 2004
Sunday, June 13, 2004
Saturday's reflective review
Woke up with a good feeling but that died automatically realizing tht it's 2 more days before exam..Went to library at around 10.30 to, of course, study..Undeniably a condusive place to study and also encouraging for dozing off (serious tak sengaja)..
Then, went back at around 4.30 straight to Huda's place but unluckily she's not at home..So, I went back,feeling a bit down..Had dinner alone,housemate's not in..Sleepy and exhausted..Huda called and then a few min after tht, I went up..Had some ice-cream while watching the Rugby game btw All Blacks and England..36-3..It was obvious who sux tht nite!Camner tah leh jadi World Champion..
(Note to Baba: Beckham tak coach rugby England,die just a good friend to the captain..Haha!)
Nways, switched to Channel 9 to watch GG..Rory's looking good! And so does her mom..And then Huda had this crazy idea..So, I went down to fecth some stuff..Went up again,and we proceeded wif it..Muahaha..Giler!!Baba being a loyal observer, tgk dr jauh je..Heh..Sambung tgk tv for a while..Baba dah balik umah,she just couldnt bear 1 more second with us..Study sambil chatting wif Huda..Cakap pasal Adam(babe,only u know it!), nyanyi JANUARI..Pastuh tak thn ngantuk..Tido..With my make-up on...
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
a tribute to ME!
Everyone, please visit Huda's blog.
She did one special poem for me!! Drop by tau..Wajib!!
I had tears in my eyes coz I was laughing soo hard..
But it was sweeet though..*Awwww*..(Seriously!)
Thanks babe...
You are the sweetest, most painless pain in my butt!!
Luv ya!
Monday, June 07, 2004
project finale pt.1
Below is a picture of me and my groupmates for my IT project subject..Taken rite after our demonstration..I looked terribly awful...With those baggy under my eyes..As a result for not sleeping the nite before, trying to finish the project deliverable (this word's gonna haunt me for the rest of the semester)..From the front,left- Vandana, Me, Michael, Derek, Al and Alex..Hoping that all will go well...

Saturday, June 05, 2004
Typing like a mad woman trying to finish my last assignment for this semester (due this Mon!) Currently listening to sappy-slow-rythmn love songs (some are crappy though)..Muahaha!!Rasekan sumer org.. Just can't coordinate my thinking and typing while listening to gutsy rap and brash hip hop beats..Have you guys watched/heard of Pontianak Harum Sundal Malam? A malay movie which I reckon is GOOD! Eventhough havent had a chance to watch it yet..Planning to call my 'tokan' to send its CD frm Mesia..Browsed through its site(one of the best i think),and my level of anxiety to watch it just shoot up to level 9 by the time I finished viewing the trailer..Seram sey..Di I mention ade Rosyam Nor(A+) and Eizlan Yusof(A++++)? Heh..Mmmg sgt worthwhile utk tgk..
Disease tengkuk senget melanda lagi!! Lenguh aah..And aku cam rase kena pakai spek je after spending soooo much time in front of pc screen..Alamak..Nih yg tak best nih..
One more significant thing will be possibly added to my life besides the dreadful braces..Ni yang tak suke nih..
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
After so many incompetent entries and rubbish thoughts,I reckon I should put up something that can be pondered on.So,here goes...
Di mana letak kecantikan seorang muslimah?
Mungkin pada sepasang matanya yang bening yang selalu mengerling tajam, atau yang kadangkala malu-malu manja,
Boleh jadi pada bibirnya yang tak jemu-jemu menguntum senyuman manis, atau yang sesekali memberikan kucupan mesra di dahi bunda,ayah,suami dan pipi mungil anak-anak,
Mungkin juga pada derai tawanya yang gemersik dan suara manjanya yang lembut sekaligus melembutkan perasaan,
Panjatkan syukur kehadrat Allah SWT kerana telah menganugerahkan keindahan-keindahan itu,
Namun, betapa pun dijaga, dipelihara, dibelai dan ditatap dihadapan cermin saban waktu, Akan tiba masanya segalanya berlalu jua,
Wajah akan suram, mata akan kelam...
And this beautiful masterpiece is of course not done by me..Thanks to ||tudungpurple||
And has anyone listened to siti nurhaliza's new song "Dialah Dihati" ? I reckon it's a good song (coming from someone who's not an avid fan of siti,kire best laa lagu nih)..Probably the rythm,melody and stuff..Just can't get this song out of my head..HELP!
Monday, May 31, 2004
one year older,one year wiser
It has been more than a week I didn't spill out my thoughts..Busy maa..Well,a lot happened within that period of time.I'll start with my birthday hangout kay..
I turned 21 last Saturday..How time flies..Cepat gell..Me and Luqzan had a double birthday celebration that Saturday nite coz his bday was on the 30th..It was great!..Actually,it was a Late-Night-Joint-Venture-Birthday-Supper..Kinda last minute thing..Initially,I didn't plan for anything but Luqzan la,bersungguh2 nak wat double-bday-party..Hehe..But luckily I agreed..Best!Dalam kesibukan yg ongoing,the chance to hang with everybody else was really worthwhile..Bukan senang nak jumpe diorang nih eventhough umah seblah-nyeblah je..Thanks to Luqzan because you did everything!I owe you one..Thanks to all the Crommies and Campus Lodgies(is there any such word?)..You guys could still make it and some even stayed until quite late eventhough the next morning kite ade qiam..Tenkiu!!
I won't forget the moment when I cut the bday cake..The cake was good but the guys aderla noh-tie..Took advantage on me and bombarded me with all sorts of questions!:p Tapi takpelakan,kasi can aah..Gile conscious and segan mase tuh..Muahaha..Thanks again for the presents..And to those who still remember that Najwa still exists on this planet and gave me a call to wish me 'HAPPY bIRTHDAY',pun thanks heaps!It's the thought that counts,aight?..:) All in all,I had a good time,amidst the assignments and the dreaded approaching finals..
My birthday wishes? Hmmm..A lot! Here are some which can be shared (yg lelain tuh,better keep 'em to myself!)..Well,just hoping that I'll survive despite the challenging,stressful chores and praying that I'll be a MUCH better person and find whatever it is that I am looking for..
Sunday, May 23, 2004
Just a little reminder to myself...
We tell lies when we are afraid,
Afraid of what we don't know,
Afraid of what others will think,
Afraid of what will be found out about us,
But every time we tell a lie, the thing we fear grows stronger,
Life is all about risks and it requires you to jump.
Don't be a person who has to look back and wonder what they would have done, or could have had...
Saturday, May 22, 2004
Sabtu yg 'indah'..
sakit tengkuk
sengal bahu
pedih mata
otak letih
sleep deprivation
nak tgk movie
nak shopping
nak makan makanan selain yg ade dlm vending machine
nak tido yg cukup
nak siapkan assignment
buhsannye camnih...huwaaa!!!
Friday, May 21, 2004
Once upon a time when I was a bandgirl...
Tetibe aku tringat band and trase nak cakap pasal band mase aku Form One dolu2..So,bear wif me eih...
Mase tuh band camp zaman skola dolu2..Biaselaa kan senior band garang tahap mak enon punye..Esp percussonist..Kalau tak hafal lagu or drum roll memang dah sah2 kene lari netball court sambil junjung snare drum..Pastuh sure diorang tanye penat ke tak,kalau jawap penat,confirm aah kene tambah lagi 2-3 round lari..Kalau jawap tak penat pun kene lari extra gak..So,kesimpulannye same je..Paling minimum pun,sure kena ketuk-ketampi junjung snare drum yg sangatlaa berat..(Sebab tuh la agaknye proses peninggian aku terbantut kot..)Junjung-menjunjung nih memang wajib..Menggigil sey tgn after that..Geram tuh aderla gak kan,tapi sebab time tuh tak terer lagik kan,so takleh nak cakap ape2..
Tapi ader this one time,sumer Form One kene main marching songs sbb Form Five nak dengar..I still remember the nite before the 'big day',sumer bandgirls form one,mmg berhempas-pulas nak menghafal lagu2 tuh...Yg drummers nih (cam aku) mmg bising aah sbb dok ketuk meja kat kelas ngan drumsticks trying very hard to memorize every freaking drum roll and song yg ade..Memang lekuk aah meja..Kesan ketukan padu..Naseb baik classmates memahami..Buat2 pekak je eventhough aku tahu mmg bising gile...(Thank u korang!)
The next day,mmg kecut perut aah...Dahla kena berbaris kat depan..And then,form Five tuh plak berlegar2 sekeliling kitorang,konon2 nye garang la tuh...Tapi mmg garang pun..Kitorang pun start laa main lagu2 tuh..After habis each song,mmg ader je la budak yg kene denda sbb tak perfect...Tapi part paling best aderla bile sumer percussionist form one tak kene apepe..Yey!! Sebabnye kitorang hafal sumer!! Muahaha..Memang sronok + bangga sbb Yuzi takleh nak cakap apepe..Heh..Still remember the look on her face..Rasekan!
Tapi lame2 tuh diorang okay..Meaning,garang bertempat laa..Dah buleh laa nak betegur sape tp tak sampai tahap bertepuk-tampar..Garang2 diorang tuh,but they were the best...Aku still ingat prasan secure each time wat peformance kat memane sbb aku tau diorang ade..Rasenye sbb technically,mmg diorang hebat aah...Mase tuh terfikir gak,bilela aku leh jadik terer camtuh..Sbb my left hand was a bit weak..Kalau main,mmg trase tak balance aah..Pastuh plak nak coordinate hand movement mase main sambil marching..Lagi seksa..Dahla berat,mmg terbayak2 aah..Mule2 memang giler kekok..Tapi bile dah lame2,okay la..Looking back at those times,takla susah sgt pun..The process of adaptation tuh yg susah sket..Once u get used to it,everything'll be ok..
Pejam celik,dah lime thn jadik bandgirl..Cepat giler..Banyakla bende aku blaja dr band nih..Bukan setakat,main muzik je,byk lagi bende lain..Teamwork,Respect,'Survival skill',Bersatu-padu,Disiplin,Time managemant,Ilmu alam(serius nih,sbb byk travel kot) and the list goes on...Orang sure tak faham sgt aah bile aku criter pjg lebar camnih..Sorila if korang tak faham eh..
Tapi skarang dah lain aah band..Tak cam dulu lagik..Makin 'tenggelam'..Juniors pun makin manja..Last year,mase aku balik Mesia,gi jap jenguk2 band..Biler dengar diorang main,dpt notice the difference..Tak semasyuk dulu..Hrmm...Quite sad actually..Maybe because dah tukar admin,band pun cam tak terjage sangat..Sayang giler..Hopefully,diorang bley bounce back one day...Apepun,heard you guys will be having a competition/orchestra this year..All the best to all bandgirls!
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Engineers are the BEST boyfriends..(oh,really?)
An amusing article(I think) that I got from a friend.Basically it evaluates why girls should eventually marry an engineer over a Law, Management, Arts or Medical School Graduate. He has three distinct advantages over the rest of the graduates.
"Advantage 1: Secure lifestyle
An engineer boyfriend can provide you with a secure lifestyle. At 27 years old, an engineer probably has a respectable, stable job that gives him a high income to own a car, invest, have a comfortable life, and get married and buy a house too. Law graduates are still working as a lowly apprentice in a law firm, most management graduates have just failed on their first business plan, the arts graduate is still looking for a job, and the medical school graduate is still living in a hospital..
Advantage 2: Unmatchable industriousness
An engineer boyfriend will dedicate an unimaginable amount of his time and effort to understand you. Engineers are trained really really hard to understand their work. You can believe that they will try really really hard to understand women too, just like how they understand their work, once they believe that you are the one. So even if they don't understand you initially, they will keep on trying. Even if they still do not understand, they will figure out the correct method to keep you happy (e.g. buy diamond ring = 1 week's worth of happiness.) And once they find out the secret formula, they will just keep on repeating it so that the desired results appear. Unlike the Lawyer who will argue with you, the Management graduate who will try to control your spending, the Arts graduate who will 'change major', and the medical school graduate who will operate on you. And you know what, it's really so easy to make engineers believe that you are the 'one'. Say that you like one of their projects and they will be hooked to you forever.
Advantage 3: An engineer boyfriend will never betray your trust
Let me first tell you what is wrong with the rest of the others - the lawyers will lie
about everything, management graduates will cheat your money, the arts graduate will flirt, and you probably just look like another cadaver to the medical school graduate. Your engineer boyfriend is either too busy to have an affair, and even if he does, he is too dumb to lie to you about that.
Hence, an engineer is the most secure boyfriend that you will ever find - rich enough, will keep on trying to understand and please you and has no time for affairs.."
C'mon the other graduates,say something and defend yourselves!!
Sunday, May 16, 2004
Friday, May 14, 2004
It's one of those crappy times when everything just doesn't click and seems sooo wrong..and I'm like,why must every single bad thing happens at the very same time..You name it.I think I've got it all..Getting really cranky and a bit angry at myself for not really being in control of my life..Esp when things are not working the way that they should..Lagilaaa..Tensi..Tensi..Plus,my caffein consumption is worsening because of these silly-crappy things(some are not silly though,trust me) Stress??..Definitely..Not a good sign,eih?..*SIGH*..Just can't help it..Coffee is truly my energy and motivation booster rite now..
Monday, May 10, 2004
a day called Monday..
Whutta lame title..Tak kesah la kan..Trase sgt exhausted..Macam nak demam pun ade gaks..Dunno why..Hectic weekend?Maybe..Coz I had a trip to Byron Bay on Saturday and the nite before,ade Movie Nite..Quite occupied gak..Had such a great time during the trip..The scenery was breathtaking and absolutely jaw-dropping..We watched a Malay movie for the Movie Nite..Citer Trauma..Sayangnye,2nd CD rosak..Didn't get to watch the ending..Heard it was quite good..Nantila,borrow from tokan citer Melayu kat sini..Anyways,trase bahagia jugak today coz,Tv dah ade so I can finally watch Fab 5..And sempat tgk Survivor Reunion and paaaling best biler Rob propose to Amber..Awwwww..Sweet je..And oh,just watched Love Actually yesterday..Love everything about it!!The ACCENT,the actors..Hugh Grant looks too cute to be the PM of Britain in this movie..And currently,loving the tune by MArio Winans:I Don't Wanna Know..Kay,ade one picture from my trip..

Sunday, May 09, 2004
Sunday morning
I kow I am BLUR...esp bile2 pepagi dah ade org tanye soalan2 cepu emas...Buktinye I had to admit that,"Pagi-pagi Najwa adela sangat BLUR , dia telah diKENAkan oleh seorang BdAk MelbOurne HaRi iNi'...."
Lesson to myself: Jangan cube nak jawap soalan analytical yg cepu emas pagi2 kay..
Monday, May 03, 2004
no idea for this entry's title..Basically,I'm gonna babble on and on about my day..Today's a day off for me,public holiday..Best sebab takyah gi uni and tak best sbb eventhough tak gi uni tapi kerja2ku,Ya Rabbi,menimbun2 banyaknye sama tinggi cam Mt.Cootha tuh..(a lil' bit of exaggeration doesn't hurt,kan?)
If anyone asked me where I would rather be and what I would rather do at this point of time,the answer will be: I would rather be relaxing somewhere sunny and nice (cam Jamaica ke..hahaha..) where I would just eat-sleep,wake up to luckily realize tht I am in Jamaica and then back to sleep again..But,I know this is neva going to happen (yeah..dream on Najwa)..So,I better snap back to reality,get back to my work and hope that this will all be over soon...
Can't hardly wait for my trip to Melbourne this coming winter..Cepatlah cuti ooii...
Thursday, April 29, 2004
M.R M.A.N by Alicia Keys
Somethin' about the way you smiled at me juss drove me wild
Wish I could know if your alone, don't wanna cramp you style
But I cannot deny the feel that I feel when I look straight through your eyes
Feel my heart beating fast for her challenge may you try(?)
I wanna know if you feel the way I do (I do)
I wanna know if theres a chance for me and you (and you)
If theres no way, meet at the bar and you say can't (you can't)
Cuz I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be. I don't wanna be
Unfair to Mr. Man, unfair to Mr.Man, Unfair to Mr.Man, unfair to Mr.Man, unfair
Like they way you've given me attention through the nite
Maybe I've had too much for me, my man's right by my side
Everytime I catch you watchin' me I feel somethin' down my spine
I play the game, it's juss for fun and only for tonite
I wanna know what makes you feel the way you do (you do)
I think you hopin' theres a chance for me and you (and you)
Should I meet you at the bar and say we can't? (we can't)
If theres no way meet at the bar and youn say can't (you can't)
Unfair to Mr. Man, unfair to Mr.Man, Unfair to Mr.Man, unfair to Mr.Man,unfair to Mr.Man
I know all you wanna know is answers
Cuz you could gimme what I need
We both know that we're attracted
Should we let our deisres lead?
I wanna know what makes you feel the way you do (you do)
I think you hopin' theres a chance for me and you (and you)
Should I meet you at the bar and say we can't? (we can't)
If theres no way meet at the bar and youn say can't (you can't)
Unfair to Mr. Man, unfair to Mr.Man, Unfair to Mr.Man, unfair to Mr.Man,unfair to Mr.Man
Sunday, April 25, 2004
najwa's current top 10
1) f**k it (I don't want you back) --- eamon
2) suga suga --- Baby Bash
3) the reason --- Hoobastank
4) superstar --- jamelia
5) tainted love --- Living End
6) The middle --- jimmy eat world
7) NowWhy2 --- OAG
8) Hey mama --- The Black Eyed Peas
9) dance with my father --- luther vandross
10) Killin' me softly --- The Fugees
Thursday, April 22, 2004
Super-exhausted today!Got classes from 10 a.m till 6 p.m straight...Nuthin' interesting happened to me except for one little incident or more like an accident that involved a poor little posum..Me and huda saw a posum being hit-and-run by a car!!You poor lil' thing...It barely survived...And oh,I have added a new link under the pics|sketches bit..Feel free to browse through the pictures of me and my peeps..Whut else ya?Just watched GTO,the movie plus the special edition of it..Recommended!!One of my fave anime besides GetBackers...I just wish that I have my comics with me right me now..Plus,I missed my skul band vewy vewy much!I wish I could play the lovely snare again..*SIGH*..Do some formation and stuff with the other bandgirls..Pastuh,gimmicks percussion..Nak sangat main Valero balik..At least,orchestra aah..Sweet sweet memories..How I wish I could....
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
insiden pagi selasa
I've got 2 pracs due today..So,kene la gie lab session 8-10 pagi..giler awal..Note to myself:Lain kali jgn skali2 select session prac pagi2 bute nih..Sampai lab,punye la ramai manusia yg berhempas-pulas nak siapkan prac..Tak suke tol suasana camnih...Sumer org nampak tension je..Ape taknye...Abes je cuti seminggu,terus kene hantar prac..Hari Selasa lak tuh...Apsal la pilh hari awal2 minggu...kan dah susah..Neways,sbb tutor tak cukup kaki dan tangan nak mark prac,extended to next week's Tuesday..Biler dengar tuh,fooh..Lega2..At least,aderla mase nak siapkan betul2...Nih yg membuatkan aku bertambah saaaaayang kat tutor tuh...Julie Chan:rawk on!!
Sunday, April 18, 2004
Sunday blues....
Woke up wif a not-so-good feeling coz uni will start tomorrow....*sigh*....I wish UQ easter break is longer cam bebudak Adelaide..envy2....Currently in the mood of listening to lagu2 Melayu...Just realized that Anuar Zain can really sing!What a discovery..Before nih,sangat tak suke die coz I reckon his voice was a lil' bit bizarre..Hrmm....I have nothin more to say today...Sorry peeps...Just don't fell like spilling out my thoughts..Later!
"Masa yang Berkat Itu Adalah Anugerah Allah SWT"
Thursday, April 15, 2004
I am back peeps!!I had a 3-day autumn camp at Midginbill Hill...Now,I am back and really need to update this thing...I am not gonna spill out the experience that I got from the camp coz if I did,3 hari 3 malam pun tak tentu buleh habes...In short,it was super-wonderful!Even though exhausted,it was all worthwhile...:)
As you could've guessed frm the title,me,huda,saf and ansary went to movieworld today...Lom sempat tarik nafas after the camp,dah outing lagik...It was tremendously fun!Gelak cam nak gile,jerit tahap mak enon,sian Ansary kene bear with us..Siap kene jaga bag lagi tuh..Hehe..jasamu ku kenang!!
I am too lazy to type guys,so I would just put 2 pictures from my trip to movieworld that were too cute not to be shared..
kanak-kanak riang..
charlie's angels 3
Sunday, April 11, 2004
Happily ever after.....
Saf arrived yesterday frm Melbourne..So,this morning we took her to the Sunday market,rummaging thru the knick-knacks and stuff..Quite fun coz it had been quite a while since I my last time there..
Me,aishah,kimah,wan,liza n izwan,ili and of course Saf wandered around the market until around 12 and then we headed home..
Sampai umah,I thought of starting my piles of assignments but the temptation to watch the latest season of Sex and The City was much more greater..Hence,I succumbed to it and watched 4 SATC episodes straight..Including the final episode...
It was soooo heart-warming...Sorry guys,for those who are also avid fans of SATC,don't read this ok..It'll totally spoil the excitement..
So,here goes...Just summaries of the ending...:)
Miranda got married to Steve and moved to Brooklyn...
Samantha was diagnosed with breast cancer and Smith was so supportive and stayed loyal and actually helped her through the difficult situation..
Charlotte and her hubby went oriental when they finally got an adopted baby from China...
And of course,my fave gal,Carrie ended up with..guess who?BIG!!I was nearly in tears,when Big went to get her back in Paris..(oh,did I mention that initially,Carrie moved to Paris with the Russian guy but things didn't work out so well..)..It was all so touching..And of course there was always something to be learnt from the story...:)
So,don't miss out on this season's SATC....You'll regret it if you do!
Kla,I need to go to huda's,kene potong bawang sbb esok nak pegi autumn gathering....And somone pls remind me to finish my packing..
Have a good Easter break!
Friday, April 09, 2004
ada apa dengan nama?...
A list of my nicknames that I still remember...Created by my friends,just for the fun of it and also said by foreigners who seemed to have loads of problems pronouncing my name...
called by my chinese bio teacher in high school,Mrs.Chong..still remember when she checked our class attendance,she'd call my name out loud,perfected wif her chinese-accent,"nad-zua!!" or the time when she asked me tonnes of bio questions..for some reasons die suke tanye me soalan,considering tht i wasn't that good in bio mmg sgt takde org lain jek..haa..maybe she just wanna called my so-sweet-name over and over again..
for some reasons,this person couldn't pronounce 'j'..pelat kot..
gile did they come up with this?
it's either this person silap dengar or simply didn't know how to spell..hello?!!.NAJWA and NAW-JA are 2 different sounds tau....
started by my secondary english teacher..this is my fav i think,coz there's no way ppl would pronounce it wrongly..short and simple...
initiated by Baya,my friend in hi-skul..
just for the fun of teasing me...but i did let them get away with this coz i created even worse nicknames for them..:)
thanks to Huda,my name sounded more ingenious and funky!
JU-JU (as in na-JU-wa,and they took the JU out and called me that..)
don't ever call me by this name!!Terase cam name coklat yg ala-ala DingDang or Tora-->Tora dtg lagi dgn permainan gasing berlampu..!!
Sunday, April 04, 2004
With regard to the title above,I just wanted to tell you guys that me and my osmet went for retail therapy@Indro today...My Sundays were normally mundane..So,having a day out with my beloved osmet(mmuuaahhkkss!) was truly worthwile and satisfying.(Hey,we should do this more often ya!)
There are times when I enjoy a quiet nite in..Just me in my room,with candles all around me,listening to some soothing-to-the-ear music while totally engrossed in a gud book....
And there are times that I just want to chill wif my buddies..Whether,it's a movie,having long conversations over coffee,eating out,or just a walk in the park,it doesn't really matter..Yg pentingnye,the feeling of security and bliss being surrounded by people that you love...
Hoping that we can have a nite out soon!