Sunday, March 29, 2009

c h a n g e

Lots have been happening in my life and also at work. Changes are everywhere. And some of them are scary I must say. Lately I have been feeling uninspired about my work. The opportunities are there. The environment is new. The people are definitely different. And hopefully interesting. As I am now surrounded by a vast male population with male co-workers, male bosses & male big boss, this is definitely a good change lah kan. After all these years being stuck in an all-female surrounding, who could forget the makciks2 who were always there, ever-willingly trying to find opportunities to stick their nose in my business. So yeah, this change being in a totally different environment, people-wise and work area-wise hopefully would bring some meaning to my working life. But, I am not feeling it lah the past week. I have a cool male boss who asks me if I have this latest Malay song and who prefers to lepak2 at Pelita after work for a bonding session. Tapi kenapa aku rasa bosan niiiii? The fact that he was KINDA good-looking pun tidak membantu utk aku be inspired. What the heck is wrong with me maaan? Yes, maybe I need that holiday in Damai Laut.

Fashion has always been one of the biggest influences on me. I like fashion. I like discovering ways of pulling off a top that most people wouldn’t dare to wear. I like hunting for cheap or discounted and quirky stuff but when put together, the result is unbelievably amazing. I like being unique. I like being creative in styling myself or choosing my clothes. That was me when I was in Brisbane. Now, I have become boring. I don’t know how I have turned from a person who is adventurous in fashion into this boring, plain and inexpressive human being. This is not me. I think the working life taken its toll on me. Oh nooo… Darn it. I think I need help.
I think I wanna start a fashion blog. Probably one which sells clothes & accesories. But with the current economic situation, I just don't think it's really wise. I browsed through some blogs and webbies and found a lot of interesting people who sell interesting clothes & accessories online. Best gileeeee..... I wonder if they have day-jobs like me. I bought one new top online too while browsing. Hehe.
On a happier note, my long-time girlfriend has just got married on 14th March. Congratulations Huda & Hatta! It really was a defining moment seeing you walking down the aisle (well, in her case, it'd be more of berarak from the gate to the meja makan beradap. Siap ada tol lagi. Org Johor lah katakan..Hehe). It was an honour to be your maid of honour on the biggest day of your life. I enjoyed every moment (of wiping away your sweats for being under the hot sun and fussing over your melting makeup) of it.

Speaking of hot & sweaty, I went to Jason Mraz's concert the other day with Mr.Man. I was ecstatic. Not really a big fan of The Geek in The Pink. But I must say that I do enjoy most of his songs. Lagipun, yours truly appreciates a guy with a guitar who sings. So I was really looking forward to this concerto. My expectation was more or less met :) Cuma x tahan asal panas gila nak mati rasa cam kene letak dalam sauna yg berhimpit2.Seriously man. That was one major turn-off gak ah.It was not like this during Dewa. Or even Muse, a friend of mine commented. Naseb baik lah Jason ala2 kelakar + witty & entertaining on stage. Bolehla layan tepuk2 tangan sambil enjoy the songs padahal rasa hampir nak ter-suffocated time tu. Thanks Mr.Man.You're my rock.

Me and Mynn, our important person for the road trip to Kulai for Huda's wedding. Without your car & your immaculate driving skills, we'll never arrive on time. Hehehe..

Mapen, the photographer

MOH is getting ready!

Mapen, apa yang kau nak fokus sebnanye nih? Ahem2..

Rasa nak letak caption

Us, the Srikandis

Sessi tol. Panas gile ok time tu

MOH in action!

Sempat lagi nak gossip ke? Apakah?!?!

Sessi bergambar2

MOH in action with the kipas

You may refer to the rest of the pics in my Facebook. For the Geek in The Pink's pics as well :)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

a new beginning!

this blog has been given a major facelift. Let's just hope it'll be updated more often after this :)