Monday, March 15, 2010

i want!!

Hasil scan from the Bridal Guide mag. Not that clear but basically this is what i want. (The one on the left)Best nya kan kalau dapat.

Friday, March 12, 2010

The journey has started.....

My journey towards Mrs-ship is approximately 8 months from now. His family came for an official risik session on the 28th of Feb. My family has no experience in kawen2 thingy ever since I'll be the first child to get married in the family. Naseb baiklah cuti 3 hari that weekend. Dari kemas2, tukar ganti langsir, basuh toilet, cat toilet sampai lah ke tang masak2, all were done on our own. No close relatives dtg tolong2. My parents thought it was a private event pun, risik2 je, bukan nk bertunang pun. But.. Risik pun dah kire cam bertunang kan. Pening lah. Kan? Wahatever. Janji THE dates have been finalized. We have been talking about getting married for quite some time already. So when he told me that his family was coming over,I was ecstatic :) There were a few funny moments during the whole merisik2 thingy. Kena makan sirih lah, blur2 bila nk kena sarung cincin lah..Hehehe..But it was all goooooddd... The preparation of a wedding is indeed exciting!! Up to today, some of the stuff has been settled and finalized. Adala a few things yang nak survey2 lagi. Venue has been secured. Yayyy!!! The venue was kinda hotspot given that it was fully booked until end of this year. Naseblah baik dapat jugak. Dates of course, have been agreed by both sides. And yang paling menakjubkan is all 3 events - nikah, my reception and his will all be done in 3 consecutive days. Weeee!!! Penjimatan annual leave!! I loiikkkeee :) Tempat nikah also secured. Another one big yayy for that.Hehe.. Alhamdulillah. All those major things have been done I think. Even caterer for my reception dah selamat di book. The rest are still work in progress. Will be going to PWTC this weekend for Matta fair and tht Pameran Pengantin. Cant hardly wait!!! Hopefully there will be amazing deals for our honeymoon :)


Thursday, March 11, 2010

from today onwards, this blog will be my lil' black book in updating my preparation, sweat, tears and laughs towards THE day :)
Wish me luck lovelies!