will this sense of loss fade?It was sunny in the morning and really rainy in the evening. Just like how I felt today. Very the cheery and happy in the morning and semakin mandom and terus kusam bila petang menjelang sampaila malam. Feelings I dont like but will somehow try to tolerate. What do I expect? Nak happy je 24/7? I wish!! Everything on this earth surface change ok. Harga minyak, fashion, umur, favourite food, tempat tinggal etc etc and of course people, change. Just like my mood laa. Tinggal lagi my mood is sometimes awfully far worse and much more susceptible to the change in its surrounding tahap takleh nak control if nak compare ngan bende2 lain yg tak stabil jugak. Huh.. Have you ever felt so annoyed at the very sight of someone? Tengok kelibat je,dah aarrrrggghh!! Takmau2.. Teruk kan? Isk isk.. Or sometimes you felt so betrayed or cheated or used (
dipergunakan) coz you didn’t get what you want though you have tried play your role the best that you can. *sigh*. And the other party is like <
Yey! Look at me, Look at me, Look at what I got!> Enggak fair!!! And there are times when you feel people are being nice to you because they want something from you? Yes, I am being
paranoid. And also, I am impatient with things moving too slowly, ok. Tak paham-paham lagi ke?? You think I got all the time in this world, izzit?? You must be crazy.. or just plain
lembab. Yes, I know change is important. It helps you grow and be a better person. There is even a course teaching UQ students about change in organizations and how to manage it (I am taking it this sem). But, I really wish some things never change. Because when they do change, I feel a huge sense of loss and jadik macam ni..