nostalgic meMy eyes hurt like hell today.
(Must be the aftermath of crying last night). Several hours are enough to make them sore, red and painful tahap dewa. The eye-bags? Getting worse than ever. Talking about eye bags, I guess my eyes will never be the same again. Like you know, where once upon a time, I used to have a pair of big sparkling
(I'm exaggerating) eye-bag free eyes, without any trace dark circle under them. And now! There are these nasty bags under me eyes! Hate it and hope it will go away someday. Having them just makes me look like some crazy old lady (with a hip collection of shoes and heels)…or like I was dragged in by an angry stray cat. On another note, how was everyone's weekend? Mine was so-so
. Having your boyfriend away in some hulu place for a month plus was definitely taxing
(yes, I'm insanely missing you ok! =( Come back soon..) But it was a positive change of air I must say and not that bad really. Now that I'm literally single temporarily
(ahemm..) this is the time for me to splurge on non-stop window-shopping, real shopping, coffee with my girlfriends, lunch with my PIPE friends, movie with Sha
(my bagaikan belangkas officemate. Plus Ajlaa, we are the triplets! Hoo-Yeaaah!!Haha..). Like today, I had lunch with Huda and Kimah and was later joined by Mapen and Hasfuan. It was great. We had so many things to talk about. Just like the good old days when we shared all kinds of gossips. It reminded me of the times when Kimah and Huda were housemates and I stayed just a floor below them. I still remember when our own antique but definitely useful little green car had a flat tyre when we were at Toowong celebrating Kimah’s birthday at Sizzler. Left with no choice, the 3 of us, Kimah, Baya and me walked home. Maka menapaklah kami dr Toowong ke St Lucia. It wasn't that near but we made it a fun 20-30 minutes journey to walk through. Dahla dah malam. Our neighbourhood was quite ok as generally the Aussie community was the mind-your-own-business type but friendly and helpful. Ragut-free and samun-free
(during my time there laa, at least). Just beware of the stok-stok pemabuk yang akan lupa diri and also the homeless or those who looked like them. The kutu-kutu jalanan. I was harassed once at Indoroopilly Mall when waiting for the bus. Unlucky me, I was alone at that time. There was this one shabby guy who came out of nowhere. He came up to me up front and yelled something like,
"Go back to your f***ing Arab country!" Ok first I was soo damned shocked. Tak terkata apa. Rupa dahla garang. I just managed to keep quiet and rushed off from where I was standing to a safer place, which was inside the mall itself. I noticed that angry, scruffy guy was still eyeing me as I walked. Thank God he didn't follow me ke hape or continue menjerit2 tak tentu arah at me. But still I could hear him mumbling words of harassment at me. And most importantly I was really grateful that at least he wasn't being physical like pulling my tudung or pushing me etc. And at the same time I saw a few policemen nearby. Pheww! Arab country? Ikut suka hati je. Ingat perempuan Arab je pakai tudung dalam dunia ni? Pakai tudung je Arab. Huh! Obviously I didn’t look Arab-ish at all. Not even a bit. Pure Melayu. Uncivilized lot!!
Anyways, I suddenly miss Brisbane, its people, the precious memories
(countless!), my fellow friends; some of them are still there and some of them have graduated and embarked on their own paths. I miss my old room waaay back in Campus Lodge. I miss the booming music at Cromwell College and the loud partygoers during their so-called welcoming bunkers. I miss walking all the way the peaceful path heading to the IT Comp Lab. I miss hating those difficult practicals in one of the comp labs and secretly wished that session was cancelled or the system down or the lab was burnt down. I miss having a cute male Aussie tutor in my Business tutorials. I miss stopping by the small-wheeled-coffee-stall and ordered "One hot vanilla latte with skimmed milk!". I miss listening to the live bands playing just outside the Uni cafeteria
(Sometimes they had students break dancing!) on Thursday afternoons. I miss the Wednesday Market where they had variety of knick-knacks, vintage clothing, cheap second-hand books and of course the funky badges. I miss having Sushi, Kebab or the freshly handmade pizzas for lunch. I miss the evening walks through the jogging path by the Brisbane River. I miss watching movies at the super-enormous Southbank cinema. I miss wandering in the Brisbane city alone, window-shopping at Valley Girl, had a Yam Milk Tea Bubble Tea and then took the citycat home. I miss having waffles with caramel with iced choc at the Pancake Manor's. I miss hanging out with a bunch of girlfriends late at night at the cool Three Monkeys. I miss Soiree. I miss Ekka. I miss Sexpo
(Hahaha..). I miss Chinatown with its small stalls selling cool vintage stuff. I miss saying thank you while getting off the bus and had the bus driver replied,"No worries!". I miss a lot more things that are too many to be listed here. I wish that one day I could return back to Brisbane and do all these, again.